How do I better support a struggling friend?
Our Education area is designed to offer the Helper . . . better skills for helping.
Bite-Sized Education:
Here you'll find one-pagers that therapists have been invited to write for you to use if you're supporting someone and need some guidance.
(More of these coming soon!)
Full-Sized Education:
Here you'll find a longer educational offering that will be even more helpful in supporting someone in need.
Matty Hillman is an instructor at Selkirk College and also teaches courses on Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). Matty will custom design a course for a small group of your friends! Or drop into the many MHFA courses offered online!
What is Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training?
MHFA is like regular first aid but rather than treating a physical injury, you treat a person who may be experiencing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. When you can recognize the signs of mental problems or mental crisis, you can administer mental health first aid until appropriate professional help is received or until the crisis is resolved.
Find out more about courses here.
Find out more about Matty here.